Thursday, April 30, 2009
A New Day Had Dawned...Day 16
Five o'clock rolls around and Lee Davis walks into the studio. "Hey Buddy...What's up?" I said, "Lee...I know you don't want to talk about eschatology with me...And you don't even have to respond to what I am about to say... What if we were both wrong? What if we had both been looking at things from the wrong perspective?" And so I gave him a short rundown of what happened the day before and where my research based on my classmates statement about Hank Hanegraaff had led me. As well I left the three articles I had just read up on the computer for him to read. And it was because of these three articles that the animosity between us was completely shattered. All of a sudden so many things that had been such strong points of contention over the last few months had completely faded away. The idea that, "All things written," could have been fulfilled, in the first century, upon the generation that Jesus came to suddenly opened up a channel of dialog that had been closed for many months.
Six o'clock rolls around and our news director Brian Perez comes in for his morning shift. Brian and I had spent a little time now and then talking about various subjects. And so I felt rather comfortable sharing with him about the articles I had come across and what they could have meant. He was rather open to what I had to say. As any good news hound should be. 8) But he had to get to work and so did I.
Later that morning as I went to class I was rather distracted by the articles that I had read earlier. That along with the fact that I had a laptop with wireless that connected to the churches wireless didn't really help me focus on the classes that day. I was rather distracted to say the least. When my classes were finished I had plenty of questions to ask and I wasn't very concerned with who the recipients of my inquiries were. I was filled with a new and revived interest in a subject that had left me frustrated and stymied over the previous months leading up to this ill fated day.
I wanted some answers...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The changing tide of a world and life view...Day 15
Having charted out the end times was an arduous task to say the least. Along with this there was a book that we were required to read by Chuck Smith that I had actually read that previous summer. It was called, "The Tribulation and The Church." A very easy read. We also had a weekly lecture that was a general overview of all the differing views of eschatology. I was hoping for something a little more indepth regarding each view but our time was limited.
An example of this was, "And then there is the preterist view which understands the last days as something that took place in the first century. That the book of Revelation was speaking of the fall of Jerusalem in 70ad. Yet this could not be the case because it was written some 30 years later...And just look around...Clearly we're not in the new heavens and earth." <--Room fills with laughter.
So...It's not as though all or most of the different views weren't presented. They were. However in my opinion the presentation of the views that were different from that of Calvary Chapel's weren't presented in a very fair light. They weren't even necessarily demonstrated to be wrong as much as they were just summarily dismissed. But of course I just nodded my head as we moved on to the next topic. After the class was over there was the typical sporatic conversations going on around the room as you would find any other day. I was putting my books away when I heard one of my brothers say that he had heard something about Hank Hanegraaff. That he had changed his views on eschatology to some form of Amillenialism. This of course caught my ear. But I was in a hurry that day to grab my surfboard and hit the beach for a little wave action.
I guess no matter how important eschatology is to me, surfing will always take first billing. 8)
That following night as I was wrapping up my studies, I had remembered what my friend Al Abdulla said in class. Something about Hank Hanegraaff's view of eschatology having changed. This triggered another memory. Probably about a year earlier, sometime in 2004, my friend Chandler Haynie who worked the evening shift at Kwave while engineering "The Bible Answerman," during the day, had told me that Hank had been re-examining his views on eschatology for 9 years now. Starting in about 1995. And that he was going to be coming out with a new book explaining his new view. But he was hesitant to tell me much more.
So...On that early morning in March 2005 I went onto google and did a search on, "Hank Hanegraaff + eschatology." And the first three results I read were the following three articles. And in this order.
The third article takes a few minutes to read but well worth every minute of it. It is a transcript from a call Hank received on "The Bible Answerman," back in 1995. Right about the time Hank began re-examining his understanding of the end-times that led him to author and co-author a number of books that have got the authors of the Left Behind series in such an uproar. Which is dealt with in the first and second article posted above.
And so...It was these three articles that were the final straw that broke the camel's back. My world and life view would be forever changed from this moment forward...
Day 15 is on the way...8)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Clear as mud...Day 14
And so at the time that I began digging deeper, the intensity of the debates that were going on between my co-worker, Lee Davis and I really began ramping up. Neither one of us could understand why the other couldn't see the clarity of the others view. 8) And so one morning in early January 2005, Lee comes in to the office where I was working to share a passage with me. He thought for sure that I would understand where he was coming from and that what he was showing me would clear things up. However what it did do was cause a rift between the two of us that ran deep and wide. The disagreement was such that Lee suggested that we not EVER speak to each other about the end times ever again. What began as small talk had grown into discussion that then became heated debate and eventually boiled over into what was clearly sin. And so we barely said hello in passing to one another for about a month or two.
During this time, one of my assignments was to follow the news very closely and record the days current events and categorize them as to how they may be playing out the events leading up to the rapture. Wars, famines, pestilence, possible middle east peace treaties, Christian persecutions, etc. Another one of my assignments was to chart out the end times. That is to make a visual time line of how history leading up to the events found in Revelation. So the first thing I did was go online and google "charting the end times." Holy mackerel!!! was my response. I had seen one or two of these kinds of charts before. But I never knew just how many there were and how complex they could be.
I spent many a night on air designing my own chart, laying out what I believed to be the correct chronological order of events leading up to the rapture. After many hours, a lot of printer toner and much effort...I got an A. Yessss... Problem was, I still wasn't any more sure about why I believed what I did. After looking at all the differing views. After comparing all the proof-texts. After considering the sincerity and scholarly efforts by many Godly men. I was still left scratching my head.
Had I really considered all of the views? I thought so. But as I would find out a short time later...I had not.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Charting the End Times...Day 13
Now...For a little more background info. I had been working the weekend overnight shifts at the radio station for about six months. For those not familiar with how radio works, the weekend overnights are typically where you cut your teeth on-air. Funny thing though about being on-air only two nights a week. I never really felt like I was making very much progress. But in early 2004, I started doing overnights Monday through Friday. Actually...All of them...Seven shifts a week for a while. Sometimes it's hard to find people to take weekend overnights. Especially at a Christian radio station. Most people have some kind of Sunday morning church obligation that they don't want to give up. And since I was already awake at night I figured I might as well help out and earn a little extra money. And on the upside...Seven shifts a week really helped hone the on air skills.
So what does this have to do with the price of tea in China you ask? No worries...I'm getting there. 8)
I had previously met the morning drive-time guy, Lee Davis, but never really more than just a passing hello while leaving after his shift as I was coming in to do some program loading. But now that my nightly shift would back up against his, we would get to know each other really well. After a short time in passing conversation both Lee and I discovered that we both shared a common interest. The Bible...But more specifically Bible prophecy. The two of us held pretty similar views. We were both futurists and both pre-millenial, but beyond that we were a mixed bag of end times nuts. 8)
We spent many early morning hours going back and forth over different issues. The rapture and when it would take place. I was pre-trib...Lee was not. Which of course made for a lot of heated times of "intense fellowship." Since of course, we brothers in Christ wouldn't dare argue in an unloving manner. 8) Anyhow, Lee and I spent many months going back and forth doing our best to represent our views.
At about that same time, in August of 2004, my family and I took a little road trip up to Oregon to spend some time with friends and family. One of the stops we would be making for a couple of days would be to stay with Boomer and Lisa Reiff and their son Jake. Boomer had been the pastor at Knott Avenue Christian Church where my wife and I had met. This is the same church that I wrote about previously that had been such a jumping off point for my studies that would lead me to where I had come.(<---See Day 2) Earlier in 2003, Boomer and some of the other guys that were apart of Kol Community along with myself had all met together over many weeks to study the book of Revelation. We did this to help Boomer prepare for what would be a teaching series that he would start in the fall of 2003. Boomer was planting a new church and he couldn't think of a better way to kick things off than with a study through Revelation.
Anyways...Back to August 2004. Boomer and his family had just recently moved up to Lake Oswego, up in the north-west corner of Oregon and this is where we were headed. In making arrangements with Boomer, the topic of end-times came up. He suggested that we should set aside some time to discuss the topic more when I got up there. So what did I do...I went to the Chapel Store at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and got a book called, "The Rapture Question," by John Walvoord. Read through that book rather quickly hi-lighting some things that I thought would be good points to argue. And then I went online and downloaded every mp3 I could find on the subject by Chuck Missler, Chuck Smith and a few others to listen to on the drive up. I wanted to be ready when it came time to slay another non-pre-tribber.
But the more I studied and discussed with friends the futurist view of end times that I had been holding on to so tightly the more I realized that their were other views within the same futurist framework that had equally good arguments. Which would eventually lead me to my own charting of the end-times.
I was hoping that this would clear things up for me...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
So much for the easy life...Day 12
One of the things that I came to realize rather quickly as a first year brother was that this was not going to be an easy road to travel. The homework load alone was rather daunting. But we needed to be faithful to get all of our homework done. Even if we simply turned in a piece of paper with our name on it acknowledging that we know that the work needed to be done by that time. We would still have to get the work done eventually if we wanted to graduate. Funny thing is, it wasn't usually the book work or reading that would catch people up. It was the five years of Chuck Smith's teaching that we were required to listen to that caught up to the students. This was not uncommon at the School of Ministry or at the Calvary Chapel Bible College as well. For me however it wasn't that bad, especially since I had a portable MP3 player that I kept in my pocket at all times. All Chuck...All the time baby. 8) I was fortunate in that I was able to get through the series by the middle of the third semester. Nothing against Chuck...But I was sure glad to be done with that assignment.
At about the same time I had begun feeling a certain conviction that I needed to become better acquainted with my Bible. And so I began with the one area that I hadn't ever really spent much time in. The Prophets. And so I started with Isaiah and worked my way all the way through the book of Revelation. And I did this with the help of my good old trusty mp3 version of the Bible. After about 32 hours of listening, which was about 1-2 weeks over all and I had accomplished something that I had been wanting to do but was unable to find the motivation. And so I did it again...And again. Three times in total. Isaiah to Revelation. I actually felt like I was getting a pretty good grasp on what was going on in the prophets.
Initially I would have thought that my repetitive listening of the scriptures would have confirmed and enlightened what I had been learning by having listened to all of Pastor Chuck's teachings through the Bible. And it did to some extent. But more than that, it left me feeling like there was something bigger going on. Some kind of meta-narrative. That is...A bigger story that was going on that was made up of all the other little stories throughout. Something that is missed when the Bible is broken up into weekly teachings. And this was about the time that I was having to start my required course of study on eschatology/end times for the School of Ministry.
My so called simply life at Calvary Chapel was about to get A LOT more complicated...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
So What Now? Day 11...
Does anyone else see a problem with this picture?
I would like to suggest that this is the same story that most Christians would tell. How many people in the world today that call themselves Christians can honestly say that they have read the Bible from cover to cover at least ONE time? Much less taken the time to actually sit down and actually strap on the sandals of a first century Jew and walk the walk that they would have before Jesus came down from Galilee to the river Jordan? A better question might be...Can someone that has never even read the Bible from cover to cover even come to a conclusion about what it says?
I once heard...And it escapes me at this time where...That a Jewish boy in the first century would have been allowed to be a child until the time they were five years of age. At that point they would begin their studies. And that by the time they were nine years of age they would have had to have memorized the first five books of the Hebrew scriptures. Or what some would refer to as "The Law." And then over the next few years they would have had to memorize the rest of the Hebrew Scriptures. That is what Christians would call the "Old Testament."
So...By the time a Jewish boy in the first century would have reached their thirteenth birthday they would have had what we as Christians refer to as the "Old Testament," which mind you is something like three quarters of the Bible that we carry around in our car and to church on Sunday's IN THEIR HEAD. Not in their hand...Not on the floor of their car...But in their innermost parts.
Kind of makes your head spin, doesn't it. 8)
Now IF I remember correctly....If a first century Jewish boy had been diligent in their studies and were able to handle the Hebrew scriptures well, they would then be asked, by a Rabbi to, "Come...Follow me." That is...That they would then be able to, in modern day vernacular, go to grad school. Those that didn't do so well would go back to whatever it was that their family did for a living. Tanning, stone masonry, fishing or whatever.
So do you get my point? What right did I have to come to a conclusion about what the Bible said about the last days when I hadn't even read through the Bible, much less memorized it like a first century Jew? But yet there I was...Beginning a two year theological journey down a path that would result in me carrying on the tradition that had been handed down to me by my fathers that had come before me...
Monday, April 20, 2009
66/40 didn't exactly leave me seeing 20/20...Day 10
And so I began searching for more of this kind of teaching. I could hardly get enough of it. And the best part was Southern California has a radio station that broadcasts hour after hour of this kind of teaching that was tickling my ears. 8) Teachers like Chuck Smith, Jon Courson, David Hocking and Chuck Missler all made this kind of teaching seem very plausible. They would quite masterfully take recent history of Israel becoming a nation again in 1948, after almost 2000 years of having been scattered throughout the world. Of battles fought against many nations against what should have been insurmountable odds. And then they would have you open up your Bible and flip to one Old Testament prophet after another to show how these events have been fulfilling prophecies about the end times and that we should be expecting the rapture at any moment. And my favorite of these teachers was Chuck Missler and his radio program 66/40.
And then...I had arrived technologically. I got my first mp3 player. Which meant that I could carry around all the teaching my little heart desired in the pocket of my pants. And thanks to Firefighters for Christ I was in mp3 heaven. This site had almost every single audio teaching of Chuck Missler's that he had ever made...And it was free...Yessssssss!!!
All that to say that by the time I started the Calvary Chapel School of Ministry, I thought I had a pretty good grasp of what was going on in the Bible and how it lined up with what was going on in the world around us. I had probably listened to well over 1000 hours of Bible teaching from the futurist point of view and was ready to begin my theological training to become a Calvary Chapel pastor so that I could teach the same thing.
And yet...I had still never read through the Bible from cover to cover, on my own.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
A Spiritual Re-awakening...Kinda! After hitting the snooze button a few times...8)...Day 9
And so over the next few years my Bible was just something I carried around with me when I went to church. You know...That is the thing to do, right? That and use it as a bulletin holder when you are filling in the blanks with those little yellow golf pencils. I'm just glad no one asked me to look something up in the book of Hezekiah. I would have fallen for it. 8)
As time went on though I did start taking a stronger interest in spiritual things. At the suggestion of a friend I picked up a copy of "The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict," by Josh McDowell. And what an incredible book it was. A great personal testimony by the author and tons of answers to questions that challenge peoples faith. But I still hadn't really spent much time in the Bible.
In early spring 2001, I began attending a Sunday night young adult church service at Knott Avenue Christian Church, in Anaheim Ca. And it would be this group of people/church that would push me to the next level spiritually. Although I still really hadn't spent much time in my Bible, I did feel a need to better understand what was in this book I was carrying around with me. So I started reading through J. Vernon McGee's Thru the Bible commentaries. These were a transcribed version of his Thru the Bible radio broadcast. It was these commentaries that really began peaking my interest to study more. Mainly because of his view of the end times. I had really never even heard anything about the rapture, the anti-christ, the beast, etc. until that time. And man...Was I hooked.
Ok...Back to this new church that I was going to. The one thing that was markedly different about Knott Ave. Christian Church was the people. These people were much more in touch with God than anyone I'd ever seen. I honestly don't even know if I'd ever seen someone raise their hands in praise to God till then. Another thing that was different was the men. Most of these guys knew there Bible's really well. Something that I didn't. But I wasn't discouraged. I pressed on and started reading more commentaries and even a big old thick systematic theology. 8)
But I still hadn't read all of my Bible...
Friday, April 17, 2009
I love it when a plan comes together...Day 8
Now...For a little bit of background information. I was born in a Christian home. I had attended a Christian school(Bethany Lutheran Church, Long Beach) all the way up to the 8th grade. By that time I think I had gotten pretty tired of the little clicks that had so easily formed within the group of about 30 kids that had been together every year since kindergarten, give or take a few different kids that came and went. And then there was a span of about ten years that I was kind of adrift spiritually. Going to church off and on with my parents over the following years, putting on the Christian face when it was convenient or when I was spiritually down and out. I even sat down with someone in about 1989 and said the proverbial, "sinners prayer." Although I still haven't found where that one is in the Bible yet. Maybe it's somewhere in the book of Hezekiah. 8) I even felt pretty encouraged that night, but come Monday morning I was back at school and it was back to business as usual.
After high school I forewent the attending of college for a job working at the Circuit City Road Shop in Lakewood, installing car stereos and all other sorts of mobile electronics. And this would pretty much be my career aspirations for the next twelve years or so. In early 1991 I met Tanya, the mother of my oldest daughter Kylie that was born in 1994. Tanya and I had a...Well...What you could call a stormy kind of relationship. It was also marked by impulsive actions and decisions like...Ohhhh...Running off to get married at the Orange County courthouse in lovely downtown Santa Ana, California on a sunny Tuesday afternoon in late January 1992. We had an on again off again relationship that finally ended in divorce in November 1996.
But divorce wasn't the only emotional baggage that I would strap on my back at this time in my life. Not only had the first long term relationship that I had ever been in come to an end but my grandfather and two uncles that were both very good friends of mine, died within a relatively short period of time. My grandfather(John Loomis) on my dad's side hadn't been so much of a surprise because of failing health. He passed in December of 1995. However, my uncle Jim was a different story. His death was rather sudden and unexpected. He was only 55. And if my memory serves me well, for about a week or so leading up to his death he had been having some bad headaches. That week he had been sleeping in a good friends, trailer, parked in his driveway while his house was being fumigated for termites. So he just thought that he was having headaches from sleeping in a strange bed or the odor from the fumigation. But then early one morning his long time neighbor and friend, Terry got a call asking him to come over(across the street) and take him to the hospital. When Terry arrived he found the front door unlocked. He went inside and found my uncle passed out on the floor in the bathroom. Just a few days later, my uncle Jim died, many years before any of us would have expected. I had lost one of my best friends.
And then there was my uncle Sean. He passed away from cancer, in September of 1997, at only 42 years of age. He had been having some health issues for a number of years. And so his decline gave us the ability to at least in some sense, make our peace before the inevitable. But his loss in some ways was almost more difficult to deal with. You see, Sean in one way or another had kind of picked up where my uncle Jim had left off. Both were always there for me when I needed someone to talk to.
It was these four losses in my life and my beautiful little girl Kylie who was almost three at the time, that made me step back and realize that I needed to re-evaluate the path I was on.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Hindsight is normally 20/20...Day 7
If you remember, I had mentioned on Day 6 that the School of Ministry was pretty much a full-time job. We attended classes Monday through Friday from 7-10a.m. We also had to spend an hour or two each week in the front office of the church answering the prayer lines. The homework and reading requirements typically meant that we would have to put in a minimum of three hours of study a day. And then there were the Chuck blocks. You're probably scratching your heads asking, "What's a Chuck block?" Chuck blocks were pages filled with questions that were directly related to Chuck Smith's, Thru the Bible teaching series that we had to listen to. The purpose of these questions were to verify that we had listened to all of the teachings, although they never really did check our answers. 8) Gotta love the honor system.
If you've ever listened to any of Chuck Smith's teaching you know that his pace is pretty deliberate. Some people might even say slow. 8) But fortunately for us they had a special series that were at 1.5 times the original speed. The best part of the whole series was when Pastor Chuck would tell a joke. Listening to people laugh at 1.5 times the normal speed was enough to almost make you fall out of your chair the first time you hear it. And then finally by the end of the series you can pretty much finish any sentence that Pastor Chuck starts when he's in the pulpit or on the radio.
So between the hours of school, the reading and homework, working the prayer lines and doing our, "Chuck block's," the School of Ministry was a full-time job. Which pretty much meant that there was no way you could have a full-time job as well. That is unless God decided to work out those details for you like He did with me. You see...God provided me with a job working in the same building as the School of Ministry. It also was a job that allowed me all the time I needed to do my homework and reading while on-air, between breaks. He also worked things out so that my work hours were from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Which left me just enough time to gather my books...Run down three flights of stairs and grab a seat.
Oh...And did I forget to say that working for the church meant that all of my tuition was paid for by the church?
I don't know about you...But as far as I am concerned God's hands were all over this, inside and out. There is just no way I could have planned this all out much less worked out all the finer points and details.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
And a long night that was...Day 6
Clearly, I would have a lot to think about, not only before the sun would rise that morning over the city of Irvine...But over what it was and why God was leading me in the direction that He was.
That following Tuesday, as I was heading into work, I stopped by the offices of the School of Ministry and picked up an application on my way up to my next shift at the station. A stomach full of butterflies and 7 days later I showed up at work to find a letter of acceptance to the Calvary Chapel School of Ministry in my box. I think I can safely say that I truly felt that I had "arrived," that day. Arrived in the sense that I truly felt as though I was clearly walking in the path that God was leading me.
That following September 15th, I began a 2 year long program. It would be an incredible, spiritual journey. What I experienced was like nothing I had experienced up to that point in my life, nor have I experienced it since. It was pure fellowship...Three hours a day...Five days a week. And God bless my beautiful bride Susan, that was supportive of me throughout this whole journey. 8) I couldn't have done it without her.
One of the things that they made very...VERY clear when we applied...And again when we began the School of Ministry, was that it was not going to be an easy journey. That it should, in and of itself be considered a full-time job. And that if we absolutely had to work that it should be part-time if anything. Well...What was I to do now...I was already working full-time at the radio station. Fortunately for me the lions share of the work I was doing was on-air from midnight till 5 a.m., which left me plenty of time to do the required studies that a normal full-time job would have prohibited.
Clearly, God's hand was providentially moving things forward in a way that no one could have foreseen...
Monday, April 13, 2009
One door closes and another one opens...Day 5
A few weeks later I was over at L.B.C.C. playing racquetball with my friend Danny Martinez. Something that we had been doing on a regular basis for at least a couple of months. I met Danny in a beginning music theory class that I had taken to fulfill one of my electives. He had recently moved out here from Chicago to South Central Los Angeles as part of a call to plant a multi-racial church. While we were playing he had asked me if I had gotten all of the classes I wanted for the fall. I gazed over at him with a puzzling look on my face and I said, "Ummm...No why?" Needless to say I hadn't opened up a piece of mail from the college explaining that they had a new way of registering for classes and that it would start earlier than previous semesters. Dohhhh...
To my chagrin I was unable to get even one class I needed. The telephone enrollment system had shut me down. I couldn't even get any electives that I could have used to fulfill general studies requirements and underwater basket weaving was just not my style. 8)
And yes...That noise you just heard...That was a door closing.
The following Saturday evening I pulled up to the radio station a little earlier than usual. As I was getting out of my car I ran into one of the security guards that worked for the church. His name was Mark. He had asked me how I was doing and about what was going on in my life. In the course of the conversation I told him how I had been unable to get any of the classes that I needed for the fall semester at L.B.C.C.. He then told me about the Calvary Chapel School of Ministry, and how he had just finished the first of a two year course in pastoral ministry. At this point he had to get going but he said that I should consider attending the School of Ministry and that he would pray for me considering the matter.
That night as I sat in the frigid climate controlled studio at K-Wave, I would have a lot to think about before I would see the sun rise over Irvine.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Hello...God...What now? Day 4
I had been working with a friend of mine at that time doing electrical work. He had just recently decided to start his own company and he needed someone to help him out. An apprentice type I guess you could say and I was just that. I knew how to turn a wrench but I was pretty green when it came to doing electrical work. Of course I found out pretty quickly why he needed someone like me. My skinny bag of bones fit very well up in dark attics and down in dank...dusty crawl spaces. I was learning a lot of neat and useful things but it was not the going in the direction that I felt that God was leading me. And that's the funny thing...God...I know that it was you that was speaking to me that day on the 605 freeway...But where do I go now? What's next?
I guess in some sense I was expecting something more supernatural. Not necessarily a Damascus road experience but a detailed itinerary would have been nice. 8) And so without any further explicit direction from God I figured it wouldn't hurt to at least move in the direction of some kind of formal education. And so I enrolled in a summer session, public speaking class at Long Beach City College. I figured if God was going to use me, there was probably a pretty good chance that some form of public speaking would be involved. And with a big mouth like mine, I figured it certainly couldn't hurt to learn how to use it more effectively.
During my third semester at Long Beach City College I started working for Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, at their radio station, K-Wave 107.9. What a cool opportunity this turned out to be. Not only was I getting to use some of the skills that I had been studying for in school but I also got to get first hand experience working in ministry in a mega-church environment. Initially I was hired to do part-time programming and learn about the engineering aspects of the station with Marcos O'Rourke. The second part of that job description never really happened. However two weeks into working there I actually got my first opportunity to be on-air. What a blast that was and yet it was the most nerve-wracking experience of my life. My heart was beating so hard and so fast...I'd swear you could hear it in the recording we made.
That following week I came in to train on one of the weekend overnight shifts with Brian Perez. The weekend overnights is where they like to train people how to be on air personalities. Which is understandable...Mistakes seem to matter the least in the middle of the night. 8) And at first they were many. But over time the butterflies go away and the mistakes come less frequently. Not that you ever become error free in radio but learning how to recover from those mistakes is the key. Within a month of working there I had my own weekend overnight shift.
But as this door had opened for me another one closed quite abruptly...
Friday, April 10, 2009
God's calling on my life and how I interpreted it...Day 3
As a teenager with a drivers license I would regularly find myself at her back-door on Friday nights when I could find nothing better to do. 8) She always said, "So I see you're slumming again," with a big smile on her face. "Hello Grandma," I would say. No legalistic requirements in our relationship...Only grace. Something I learned well from her.
I could go on for days...Maybe I will in a later post.
Anyhow...After her funeral at her wake, at my aunt Sherry's house, something led me to speak to the pastor that officiated her services. I asked him, "How do you know if God is calling you to ministry?" He said with a smile on his face, "Many times I've wanted to walk away, and go drive a truck or something...But something kept drawing me back." He then said, "I'll pray for you." I almost wish I'd never asked him that question...Sigh...
That following Sunday, April 28th, driving southbound on the 605 Freeway, somewhere around the 105, I knew...Without a doubt...that God had put a call on my life.
It was clear that I needed to get ready...that I needed to study.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Testing for FaceBook
Now that your here you might check out my blog. 8)
Where it actually all started...Day 2
Pastor Chuck Smith who is widely credited as founding Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, though he was the second pastor, has over the years even gone so far as to make an effort to teach thru the Bible in 5 years. And it was this series of teachings in mp3 format that introduced me to the teaching style of Calvary Chapel and specifically Chuck Smith. This also was my first in-depth exposure to Calvary Chapels view of the end-times...or last days. Having only had a very basic understanding of the Bible, what I was hearing sounded very intriguing.
Having been raised in a Lutheran church during my childhood years and having in recent years attended what could be referred to as a seeker-sensitive church, I had never heard anything about the Anti-Christ, the last days or the rapture. But this Chuck Smith guy really made me a believer in these things. And so began my interest in Bible prophecy as taught by Pastor Chuck and many other teachers that can still be heard today on KWVE 107.9.
After attending Knott Avenue Christian Church and a young adult fellowship called KoL Community for about a year I met a guy by the name of Mike Iwerks. He worked for KWVE 107.9 and went out of his way to introduce me to radio. He was working an overnight shift when he invited me to come down and check out the new studios located on the 5th floor of the Logo's building located behind Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. I got to see first hand what it how a radio station operated and even got to be in the studio when Mike went on air. Another thing that I got to do that I thought was pretty cool was go into one of the studios and record myself reading John 1. I got my first real taste of what radio was like and I was hooked.
A short while later I had run into Mike online. Instant Messenger I think. Anyhow, I told him that I would love to get into radio and that if they ever had an opening to let me know. A few days later...I had an interview. And two weeks later, I was working for KWVE 107.9, which meant that I was an employee of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa.
Not only did I land a job working in radio...But I was now employed by someone that I considered a hero of the faith...Pastor Chuck Smith.
Next time...God's calling on my life and how I interpreted it...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
How did I end up here? Day 1
And if that creed is in disagreement with the conclusion that I have come too...Well...I will cross that bridge when I get there. But until then...