Tuesday, April 14, 2009

And a long night that was...Day 6

That night as I sat in the frigid climate controlled studio at K-Wave...A lot of things were going through my mind. Yes God clearly called me to ministry...It was clear that I needed to prepare myself. And that I needed to "Study to show thyself approved to God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

Clearly, I would have a lot to think about, not only before the sun would rise that morning over the city of Irvine...But over what it was and why God was leading me in the direction that He was.

That following Tuesday, as I was heading into work, I stopped by the offices of the School of Ministry and picked up an application on my way up to my next shift at the station. A stomach full of butterflies and 7 days later I showed up at work to find a letter of acceptance to the Calvary Chapel School of Ministry in my box. I think I can safely say that I truly felt that I had "arrived," that day. Arrived in the sense that I truly felt as though I was clearly walking in the path that God was leading me.

That following September 15th, I began a 2 year long program. It would be an incredible, spiritual journey. What I experienced was like nothing I had experienced up to that point in my life, nor have I experienced it since. It was pure fellowship...Three hours a day...Five days a week. And God bless my beautiful bride Susan, that was supportive of me throughout this whole journey. 8) I couldn't have done it without her.

One of the things that they made very...VERY clear when we applied...And again when we began the School of Ministry, was that it was not going to be an easy journey. That it should, in and of itself be considered a full-time job. And that if we absolutely had to work that it should be part-time if anything. Well...What was I to do now...I was already working full-time at the radio station. Fortunately for me the lions share of the work I was doing was on-air from midnight till 5 a.m., which left me plenty of time to do the required studies that a normal full-time job would have prohibited.

Clearly, God's hand was providentially moving things forward in a way that no one could have foreseen...

1 comment:

  1. "The end was near..."

    This is your proof for Hyper-Preterism????

    There were alot of things that could have happened in the 1st century, Mike. Jesus Christ's return was definitely imminent. But that doesn't mean that it happened.

    The essential condition of Jesus Christ's return is JEWISH NATIONAL REPENTANCE (Acts 3: 19-21; Matt. 23: 39; Hosea 5: 15).

    Well, they didn't repent. So when their period of probation expired, the city was destroyed, and the end was no longer "near."

    Mike, show me a verse that says Christ already came back, and I'll switch to Full Preterism tomorrow.

